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"As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again"
Gone With The Wind (1939)
Power rankings, reviews, debates, fantasy drafts, recasts, brackets. The list goes on and on. We strive to create content that every major fandom can enjoy.
Ship It Studios
Jun 15, 20211 min read
Movie Drafts: X-Men Animated Series
Which yellow jumpsuit wearing mutant would you draft to your ideal battle royale team?
Ship It Studios
Jun 14, 20212 min read
DC Podcasters Wanted!
Do you have an idea for a DC podcast series? If so, we want to hear it!
Ship It Studios
Jun 14, 20212 min read
Marvel Podcasters Wanted!
Do you have an idea for a Marvel podcast series? If so, we want to hear it!
Ship It Studios
May 4, 20211 min read
Movie Drafts: The Matrix
Goal: You listen to this draft, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Owners: Bull vs Dez Roster Spots:...
Ship It Studios
Apr 27, 20211 min read
Take 5: Origin Stories
Bull & Mr. Zak take it back to the beginning to break down the best origin stories that film has to offer. Now for the episode... Did you...
Ship It Studios
Mar 30, 20211 min read
Take 5: Movie Trailers
In a world...Bull & Train sit down to rank out the greatest movie trailers of all time.
Ship It Studios
Mar 27, 20211 min read
Dr. Film: Release The Snydercut
The Ship It Crew dissects the Industry ramifications of the upcoming Snydercut release on HBO Max.
Ship It Studios
Mar 22, 20211 min read
Take 5: Triumphant Movie Trios
Bull & Mr. Zak channel the power of three podcasters to break down their top Triumphant Trios from Film.
Ship It Studios
Aug 17, 20191 min read
Take 5: Arrowverse Characters
EMERGENCY PODCAST - The Ship It Boys are recording live fresh off of the 2019 Fan Expo in Boston. We dissect the top news from the...
Ship It Studios
May 7, 20191 min read
Take 5 Podcast: Top Movie Villains
What makes a great movie villain? We're breaking down the key elements and giving our picks for the top 5 movie villains of all time....
Ship It Studios
Apr 27, 20196 min read
Power Rankings: MCU Films
"There was an idea...called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could...
Ship It Studios
Apr 26, 20193 min read
Power Rankings: MCU - Best Stan Lee Cameos
Stan Lee is the Godfather of Superheroes. Fans around the world were devastated when they learned of his passing in November of 2018....
Ship It Studios
Apr 26, 20195 min read
Power Rankings: MCU - Best Female Characters
It took a while, but Marvel is finally giving their female characters the runway the deserve. #10 Character: Okoye Actress: Danai Gurira...
Ship It Studios
Apr 26, 20193 min read
Deep Dive - MCU: Captain Marvel
Scoring We polled our entire team and ranked every MCU film across six categories. We weighted each category based on their overall value...
Ship It Studios
Apr 26, 20193 min read
Deep Dive - MCU: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Scoring We polled our entire team and ranked every MCU film across six categories. We weighted each category based on their overall value...
Ship It Studios
Apr 25, 20193 min read
Deep Dive - MCU: Avengers: Infinity War
Scoring We polled our entire team and ranked every MCU film across six categories. We weighted each category based on their overall value...
Ship It Studios
Apr 25, 20193 min read
Deep Dive - MCU: Black Panter
Scoring We polled our entire team and ranked every MCU film across six categories. We weighted each category based on their overall value...
Ship It Studios
Apr 24, 20193 min read
Deep Dive - MCU: Thor: Ragnarok
Scoring We polled our entire team and ranked every MCU film across six categories. We weighted each category based on their overall value...
Ship It Studios
Apr 24, 20194 min read
Deep Dive - MCU: Spider-Man: Homecoming
Scoring We polled our entire team and ranked every MCU film across six categories. We weighted each category based on their overall value...
Ship It Studios
Apr 23, 20193 min read
Deep Dive - MCU: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Scoring We polled our entire team and ranked every MCU film across six categories. We weighted each category based on their overall value...
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